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8 Quick Tips To Get Ready For A Photoshoot!




Foyer, kitchen and dining room:

1) Make sure the entry way looks clear and that all shoes and coats are out of sight.
2) Clear papers and other clutter from table tops and counters, ensure dishes are put away and remove rags and towels from faucets and ovens. Do a quick sweep of the front of the fridge. All those magnets and photos can be a real distraction in a kitchen photo. Any collections on top of the cabinets should be removed at least for the photo !

Living room:

3) Turn off the television or this will end up being the focal point of your photograph!
4) Ensure that art and lampshades are hanging straight and pick up any piles of books and magazines from the floor or coffee table. Remove family photos, TV remote controls, clear clutter from the tops of mantles and pianos, pick up any toys. While cute, toys show as clutter in a photograph!


5) Make sure the beds are neatly made and there are no piles of laundry sitting around. Where there's a dust ruffle on the bed, make sure the bottom edge of it meets, and is parallel with, the floor.


6) Make sure the toilet lid is closed.
7) Remove toothbrushes and other personal things from the counter.
8) Make sure towels are hung neatly or folded and don't keep the shower curtain wide open showing the inside of a messy shower.


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